Our Lady of the Way



We are a part of the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta in Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. If you are new to the Emu Plains area and would like to become a part of our Parish community, we look forward to meeting you at Mass, or please feel free to contact us at any time.

Weekly Mass Times & Reconciliation

Mass Times


Weekday Masses Tuesday 6.00pm
Wednesday, Thursday Friday at 9.00am


Thursday 8:30am (prior to Mass). Benediction last Thursday of the month.
Healing Service Mass on First Fridays of the Month


Saturday Vigil Mass 6.00pm
Sunday 8.00am and 9.30am


5.00pm Saturday or by appointment

Diocesan News

The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God [...]

How plastic pollution affects our health

Tiny fragments of plastic have been detected in our lungs, liver, kidneys, and even our brain. While studies confirm plastic in our bodies, researchers struggle to measure its health effects. An international treaty to reduce plastic pollution is underway in Busan, South Korea. [...]

An atheist’s return to the Catholic Church: a story of death, love and meaning

The high school where the massacre happened was named for Colorado’s official wildflower, the columbine. In the Rocky Mountains, columbines grow in alpine meadows and tundra. [...]

Pope to Roman Curia: ‘Never speak ill of one another’

In his annual address to the Roman Curia for the exchange of Christmas Greetings, Pope Francis decries the killing of more children in Gaza. and highlights the virtue of humility to foster an harmonious working community. [...]

Heaven Isn’t the Same for Everyone

Daniel Berrigan once said: Before you get serious about Jesus, think carefully about how good you are going to look on wood! That’s a needed caution because Jesus warned us that if we follow him, pain will flow into our lives and we will join him on the cross. [...]

Pope Francis’ Intention for December: For pilgrims of hope

We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope. [...]

A reflection on Pope Francis’ Intention for January: For the right to an education for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war

Refugees, immigrants and people whose lives have been disrupted by war have lost their homes and the ordinary security of daily life. The adults among them, however, do not commonly focus on themselves and in their own needs but on the future of their children. [...]

Ecological Conversion and the Interconnectivity of Creation

What are the links between the Spiritual Exercises and ecological conversion, as defined in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’? This is a field to be explored. Perhaps the plural “explorations” would be more appropriate. [...]

Sacramental Program Notice

Term 1: Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Information Night: Wednesday 12 February 2025 in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm (Parents only)
  • Mass: Sunday 15/16 February – families to attend one of the weekend Masses – Sat 6pm Vigil, Sunday 8am or 9.30am. Father Michael will invite the children to come forward to receive a blessing with their application form.
  • Session 1: Wednesday 19 February  at 7pm
  • Session 2: Wednesday 26 February at 7pm
  • Session 3: Wednesday 5 March at 7pm
  • Session 4/Rehearsal: Wednesday 12  March at 7pm.

Term 2: Sacrament of First EucharistTerm 3: Sacrament of Confirmation
Term 4: Baptism for Primary School Children

Local Catholic School

OLOTW Handbook

Our Lady of the Way Primary is a Catholic primary school located at the foot of the Blue Mountains near the picturesque Nepean River.

Our Lady of the Way Primary holds a strong belief that, by working in partnership and harmony with parents and parish, the children will benefit greatly. Whether you are a new family or have been a part of this community for many years, Our Lady of the Way Primary believes your involvement with the school will be most rewarding.

The school has a proud tradition of providing a high quality Catholic education in a happy and safe environment, with staff committed to the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of the school's faith and learning community.

Parish Events

Please note that we do not have Mass on Mondays.

Evening Mass @ Our Lady of the Way Church
Jun 27 @ 6:00 pm
Morning Mass @ Our Lady of the Way Church
Jun 28 @ 9:00 am
Morning Mass with Adoration to follow @ Our Lady of the Way Church
Jun 29 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Morning Mass @ Our Lady of the Way Church
Jun 30 @ 9:00 am
Reconciliation @ Our Lady of the Way Church
Jul 1 @ 5:00 pm


15 Troy Street (PO Box 27)
Emu Plains NSW 2750

(02) 4735 1041

Parish Office Hours:
Tuesday-Friday, 9:00am to 3:00pm

Email Address:
[email protected]

Fr Michael Gathuku
Parish Priest

Deacon: Batsirai Maringehosi

Joanne Hamilton
Parish Office Administrator

Cate Kensey
Sacramental Coordinator

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