+ Mon 11th – Seniors’ views of life and technology

Dear friends,

Happy Monday and new week ahead. On the cover of our Parish Blog post today is a man in his more senior years engaging with things on an electronic tablet. It reflects a growing use of technology among people of all ages. With that use, there are obviously pros and cons which the 6 minute video I’ve put in today’s blog post reflects. The video is taken in the UK and is capturing the views of a group of senior aged people – some into their 90s.

The first half of it has them sharing about some of their preferred ways of communication – including some of the things they fear will be lost in new times. Then the second half of the video captures their use of and appreciation of technology. One speaks of a preferred use of an iPad over a phone. Another shares how much the phone kept her in touch during an extended hospital period. One person even named her first computer and tells of wishing she had it earlier in life – and then one man says very honestly that he’s found it difficult to keep up. 

I want to open up conversation and share a few ideas, some time, about potential ways for the use of technology for our parish to reach out to people of all ages, who are not currently part of the faith community. And maybe this COVID period can give us all some insights to share about how best try that ahead. With the help of a group of seniors, this short video helps reinforce at least two important points:

  1. that there are some really core human values that our age of technology needs to keep as high priorities – and
  2. that anyone who says technology doesn’t have a very valuable role in life today (and for the faith mission too) is probably more likely feeling overwhelmed by it and could do with some gentle help to befriend it 

Anyway, enjoy the video – and let’s allow it to keep informing our best practice of certain technologies – and our best practice of certain enduring values –  for our parish in ongoing ways beyond COVID-19.

See you in the next post and ..

with friendship in God’s mission

fr Paul


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Patrick Gleeson
Patrick Gleeson
3 years ago

That was just lovely Paul
I love that video it’s really special!!
You are full of innovative new ideas and they don’t always have to be the readings on the mass and the prayers for the day!!
Love and blessings Patrick

3 years ago

Loved the wisdom And the positive outlook of those elderly people in embracing technology despite some misgivings.

Kay Walker
Kay Walker
3 years ago

Beautiful! Just loved listening to those English accents………having spent the first 23 years of my life not far from where this video was made, I feel like I grew up with these people and their values. How blessed was I?