+ Tues 12th – How good is humanity! And you!

Dear friends – 

Rightly so, during the COVID crisis, medical workers have been applauded for their selfless service. In countries like Brazil and USA, the numbers of daily deaths continue to occur in astonishing numbers. And even as a country like the UK is easing restrictions, yesterday’s COVID death numbers there for that SINGLE day were more than DOUBLE Australia’s TOTAL for the whole crisis. These and other basic stats bring home to us the enormous challenges still occurring across the world.

The urgency and danger in which health care workers are engaging remains extreme, exhausting and overwhelming. As we go step by step with the easing of restrictions in Australia, let’s keep giving thanks for health workers here and across the world – as well as those in the scientific community, many of whom right now, are working unseen in laboratories to find a vaccine. I know that I have to keep remembering and giving thanks for those people, most of whose  efforts will fail in the short term! That’s what they commit to in their work as there is no way to success in such a quest without tons of ideas, tests, trials and learnings. What patience and perseverance! Thank you God for them!

Anyway, here’s also to those front line health workers right now in the world. Why not pause for 30 seconds and send out a blessing? 


I’ve put in this blog post today a super brief 56 second video from Pope Francis. It’s his special prayer intention from April last year and highlights the heroic work of doctors and humanitarian collaborators in war zones. How remarkable is the human spirit! And how good is humanity in its readiness to give and give and give selflessly – even amidst the darker capacities that resort to war. May this very brief video evoke our prayers and thanksgiving …

May it also really affirm and encourage your own self-giving in the very many ways that show God’s merciful and tender heart to the people and creation that God loves. We can so easily become dis-spirited. So, in your areas of service, God bless YOU – as you join with so many people of God’s goodness witnessed across cultures, beliefs and backgrounds. 

See you in the next post and ..

with friendship in God’s mission,

fr Paul

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Stevenie Harman
Stevenie Harman
3 years ago

How appropriate that I watch the Pope video during my lunch break and it leads me to a brilliant video about Human Rights that I can use in my online teaching for Year 11 Legal Studies. Small world – but our only world – so if we all work together for the common good of it and its people we could achieve great things.

Carmel Patterson
Carmel Patterson
3 years ago

Stevenie, God works in mysterious ways and that was shown to you in the video leading you on to help in legal studies. God certainly will show us what we need.
Carmel Patterson